Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Webafrica - A 3rd world ISP

So my latest run-in with a support desk happened to be with Webafrica. Irony--to look  back and wonder what had happened to one of the then Titans of the ISP industry. A company who in the past had immaculate services and support. But then it all hits me like the foul stench of hobo piss on the corner of their Woodstock office. They fell prey to the "eyes to big for their hands" syndrome.

Here's my last ticket response I got from them and my reply to it:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

KFC serve dog awful food with a smile

So the atmosphere was set. Club music vibe from upstairs was making the crowd inside KFC feel lively. The staff was absolutely wonderful, a good mentioned well deserved for Pamela and her cohorts.

"2 Family treats, a batch of zinger wings, 4 burgers, 2 mini loaves, 2 milkshakes and 1 very berry crusher please!"

Everything was perfectly set for a great and lively night out on the town... Everything except the chicken. My initial thought was... "OH MY GOD it was FUCKED to death by a man who had been bathing in a graveyard sewage damn for 50 years and forgot to rinse behind his nutsack". The meal was ruined, our apatite's shot to shit. I finally understand why all the drunks from the club upstairs loved it so much. One would need your belly filled with enough low grade alcohol to appreciate the texture and taste of scarfing down the sweat encrusted jocks of a football player suffering from athletes foot on his nuts.

I use to love KFC, I use to bring her home with me to show to my parents. We spent some greasy nights together. I always licked off my fingers when we were done. Now I feel like I just introduces syphilis to my friends and family.

Breakups are hard. Getting myself tested!